26-29 Feb 2024 Toulouse (France)

Practical information > Programme

The programme is below. Each slot includes 5 minutes for questions.

All presentations will be given from a central computer. Please send your slides to xmm2athena@sciencesconf.org by Wednesday 21st February (especially for those talking at the beginning of the week), as a pdf to ensure the smooth running of the meeting. For those talking towards the end of the workshop, it will be possible to provide your slides (pdf) at the beginning of the workshop. Alternatively you can join the zoom and present directly from your own computer, but we can not guarantee the quality of the wireless connection.


Monday 26th February

Source detection in space and time    
Chairperson : Paul Kuin
13:30-14:00 Natalie Webb (video YouTube)   Welcome/introduction
14:00-14:30 Rafaelle D’Abrusco (video YouTube) Invited Paving the way to a bright X-ray future: the role and legacy of the Chandra X-ray Observatory
14:30-15:00 Georg Lamer (video YouTube) Invited eRosita
15:00-15:20 Jessica Pilling Contributed Streamlining X-ray Astronomy with new software XGA and DAXA
15:20-15:40 Elias Koulouridis Contributed The X-CLASS survey: A catalogue of 1646 X-ray-selected galaxy clusters up to z∼1.5
15:40-16:00     Break
Chairperson : Ada Nebot      
16:00-16:30 Claire Greenwell (video YouTube) Invited The 80 month NUSTAR serendipitous survey
16:30-16:55 Mickael Coriat (video YouTube) Sollicited FLIX
16:55-17:20 Iris Traulsen (video YouTube) Sollicited A modified source-detection method for the next XMM-Newton catalogue and beyond
17:20-17:40 Adriana Pires (video YouTube) Contributed Towards XMM-Newton's First Enhanced Stacked Catalogue
17:40-18:10  (video YouTube)   Discussion (Moderator: Ada Nebot; Panelists: Natalie Webb, Raffaele D'Abrusco, Georg Lamer, Claire Greenwell, Iris Traulsen, Phil Evans)

Tuesday 27th February

X-ray and multiwavelength cross matching and scientific results  
Chairperson : Keir Birchall
09:00-09:30 Mara Salvato Invited Multi wavelength cross-matches
09:30-09:55 Ada Nebot Sollicited Multi-wavelength counterparts of XMM-Newton sources in the DR13 catalogue
09:55-10:15 Pooja Sharma (video YouTube) Contributed Cross-Matching tools for performing multiwavelength studies
10:15-10:35 Laurent Michel (video YouTube) Contributed Past and Present and Future SSC Activities in Strasbourg




Workshop photo


Chairperson : Angel Ruiz      
11:05-11:25 Eleftheria Drigga (video YouTube) Contributed Properties and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei in Galaxy Clusters
11:25-11:45 Yaherlyn Diaz Contributed Constraining the X-ray reflection in low accretion rate AGN using XMM-Newton, NuSTAR and Swift
11:45-12:15  (video YouTube)   Discussion (Moderator: Ángel Ruiz; Panelists: Mara Salvato, Ada Nebot, Emille Ishida)
12:15-13:45     Complimentary buffet lunch
Time domain astronomy    
Chairperson : Natalie Webb      
13:45-14:15 Phil Evans (video YouTube) Invited The living Swift XRT point source catalogue
14:15-14:45 Andrea de Luca (video YouTube) Invited EXTraS - Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky
14:45-15:10 Erwan Quintin (video YouTube) Sollicited XMM Long-term variability
15:10-15:30 Matteo Imbrogno (video YouTube) Contributed eBANDERAS: the hunt for variable sources in the eROSITA data
15:30-16:00     Break
Chairperson : Iris Traulsen
16:00-16:25 Norman Khan (video YouTube) Sollicited Continuing the search for faint transients in XMM-Newton observations
16:25-16:45 Mehdy Lefkir (video YouTube) Contributed Next generation timing method for irregular light curves of AGN
16:45-17:15 Emille Ishida (video YouTube) Invited Multi-messenger time-domain astronomy in the Rubin EraRubin/FINK
17:15-17:45  (video YouTube)   Discussion (Moderator: Iris Traulsen; Panelists: Phil Evans, Andrea De Luca, Erwan Quintin, Emille Ishida)

Wednesday 28th February

Automated data processing and machine learning for classification  
Chairperson : Ektoras Pouliasis
09:00-09:25 Hugo Tranin (video YouTube) Sollicited Mining the high-energy Universe: a probabilistic, interpretable classification of X-ray sources for large X-ray surveys
09:25-09:50 Mat Page (video YouTube) Sollicited Classifying the XMM-Newton Optical Monitor Surrendipitous UV Source Survey sources.
09:50-10:15 Angel Ruiz (video YouTube) Sollicited A catalogue of photometric redshifts for the 4XMM
10:15-10:35 Steven Chen (video YouTube) Contributed Multiwavelength Classification of X-ray Sources with a Supervised Machine-Learning Approach
10:35-11:00 Georgios Mountrichas (video YouTube) Sollicited Harnessing the XMM-Newton data with XMM2ATHENA : X-ray spectral modeling of 4XMM-DR11 detections.
11:00-11:30     Break
Chairperson :  Erwan Quintin
11:30-11:50 Ektoras Pouliasis (video YouTube) Contributed Properties of high-z X-ray selected AGN: comparison with the optically-selected qso sample
11:50-12:10 Yvonne Eggers (video YouTube) Contributed Super-Resolution for Bright XMM-Newton Sources
12:10-12:40  (video YouTube)   Discussion (Moderator: Ektoras Pouliasis; Panelists: Hugo Tranin, Mat Page, Angel Ruiz, Natalie Webb)
12:40-14:00     Complimentary buffet lunch
Looking forward : missions    
Chairperson : George Mountrichas
14:00-14:20 Norbert Schartel (video YouTube) Contributed XMM-Newton: Scientific Strategy and Prospects
14:20-14:50 Olivier Godet (video YouTube) Invited SVOM : Catching high-energy transients on the fly!
14:50-15:20 Didier Barret (audio only YouTube) Invited Athena
15:20-15:50     Break
Chairperson : Pooja Sharma
15:50-16:10 Nicolas Cerardi (video YouTube) Contributed The Cosmological potential of distant clusters to be detected by Athena.


Enrico Bozzo (video YouTube)



16:30-17:00  (video YouTube)   Discussion (Moderator: Pooja Sharma; Panelists: Norbert Schartel, Olivier Godet, Didier Barret, Enrico Bozzo)
20:00-23:00     Dinner

Thursday 29th February

Reaching outwards    
Chairperson :  Rosa Domínguez
09:15-09:45 Deborah Baines (video YouTube) Invited Exploring the X-ray Universe with ESASky
09:45-10:05 Hugo Tranin (video YouTube) Sollicited  CLAXSON
10:05-10:30 Maite Ceballos (video YouTube) Sollicited Science for All: breaking barriers with diverse communication
10:30-10:50 Natalie Webb (video YouTube)   Inclusion/ Diversity in Astronomy
10:50-11:10  (video YouTube)   Discussion (Moderator: Rosa Domínguez; Panelists:  Maite Ceballos, Natalie Webb, Ektoras Pouliasis)
11:10-11:30     Break
Looking forward : software and tools    
Chairperson : Norman Khan
11:30-12:00 Fabrizio Nicastro Invited Advanced Science Tools from the AHEAD-2020 Program



Aitor Ibarra

Simon Dupourqué



XMM-Newton SAS Virtual Development Environments

X-ray spectral fitting with jaxspec: leveraging GPUs and advanced sampling methods




Discussion (Moderator: Norman Khan; Panelists: Fabrizio Nicastro, Aitor Ibarra, Simon Dupourqué, Deborah Baines)

Complimentary buffet lunch




 Thomas Oliveira  X-Ray properties of Young Stellar Objects in Orion
 Majidul Rahaman  A new radio relic and corresponding X-ray shock (tentative) in the low mass cluster Abell 2108
 Divya Rawat  Findings for the Black Hole X-ray Binary 4U 1630-47 using Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer
 Graciela Sanjurjo, Jessica Planelles  Doppler Dynamics: Unveiling X-ray System Dynamics with High Resolution
 Paul Giles, David Turner, Jessica Pilling, Kathy Romer  Using XGA to automate the hydrostatic mass analysis for large samples of galaxy clusters
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