Abstract submission is open until the 10th December and we will inform participants whether their abstract has been accepted by the end of December. To submit an abstract, if you already have an account on one of the CCSD web platforms : Sciencesconf.org, Sciencescall.org, HAL or Episciences then click on the “My submissions” button and from the menu "MY SPACE" and fill in the form with the title, abstract, type of presentation and authors etc.
If you do not have an account create your account, log onto the website and then continue as above. More information can be found here .
To register for the conference, you will also need to have an account. You can then click on Registration and fill out the registration form. If you do not wish to present any work, but you would nonetheless like to attend the workshop, the registration will remain open until we reach the capacity of the conference room (90 participants). The workshop is free to attend. The workshop is expected to be in hybrid format.
Whilst the workshop is now closed for new talk abstracts, we still have a few spaces available for posters (A0, preferably portrait), so abstract submission remains open to request a poster presentation until all of the spaces are filled. Note that of 10th January, it is no longer possible to sign up to the dinner as all of the places have been filled. Should further places become available, we will let you know.
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